Saturday, January 28, 2012

Wedding Shower - this time it's for me!!!!

Our wedding shower is today...I am so excited!! I have to force myself to not get up do a million things to prepare. I keep saying today is for you and Scott!! Difficult when you are the one used to organizing, planning and being in control of EVERYTHING!!!

6 of my friends and family have come together to spoil us with this shower and I have no idea what they have in store for us. The only detail I know is that it is New Orleans themed as it is a Honeymoon shower. Yep, we are headed to New Orleans for our honeymoon! But other than that I am clueless.

We decided to have the shower at our house because we feared we have too many people wanting to bring kiddos etc and didn't want them to feel unwelcome. Ha! It turns out no one is bring children!! The good thing about that decision was it forced us to push hard and get our back yard finished!! Our yard has been under construction since March 2010!! I need to post before and after pics...we went from a yard with lots of lawn area to one that has almost every inch of it covered or utilized. We added a pool, a pool house and a new basketball court/pad. Now when the grass turns green it is going to look amazing!! I can't wait. Scott put in a lot of hard work to get everything done for today. I love him!!

My dad passed away a little over two weeks ago. It has been a difficult time pushing through the flood of emotions but my wonderful friends and Scott have really helped me so much that I am feeling a lot better. Of course there are moments when I feel a bit sad but they are brief as I am forcing myself to focus on all the wonderful things that are going on in my life.

I have had so much fun planning weddings for 100's of brides over the years and now I am relishing in the process for myself!!

I will post pics soon and let you know how it all turns out! And hope the girls like the shower gifts I made them. They turned out super cute!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

melanie said...

Congratulations Tracy!!! You are the absolute best so just enjoy the day. Be Blessed.
Melanie Colvin